Forensic Accounting

Forensic Accounting Cape Cod MA

As a Certified Forensic Accountant—Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF), Michael's unique blend of education and experience applying accounting, auditing, and investigative skills uncovers the truth, assists in investigations, and provides litigation support and/or calculation or estimation of economic damages.

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Forensic Accounting Cape Cod MAA forensic engagement aims to prepare an analysis to eliminate the need to speculate. Depending upon the engagement, this process can employ one or more of the following techniques:

  • In divorce cases, attorneys commonly consult us to provide forensic accounting services. These services assist in identifying missing
    assets, funds transfers, underreporting of sales & income, and search for dissipation of marital assets.
  • The clarity and credibility of our findings provide the focus and attention to detail that is often required.
  • Review records to identify fictitious vendors, employees, and/or business activities
  • Analysis of individual financial transactions or statements
  • Analyze physical evidence to identify possible forgery and document alterations
  • Inspection of business premises Interview knowledgeable parties


Record reconstruction may be required to prepare financial statements, tax returns, court exhibits, or insurance reimbursement. The need for record reconstruction sometimes stems from tragedy but is more often an indication of neglect or a more serious concern.